Donald J. Trump assaulted at Tulsa State Fair

2016 Tulsa State Fair GOP booth allows visitors to take photos with a cutout of Donald J. Trump. Photo by David Arnett

Tulsa State Fair GOP booth visitors. Photo: David Arnett

It was just a cardboard cutout of Donald J. Trump on display in the Tulsa County Republican Party booth at the Tulsa State Fair. Thousands took pictures of and with the image, but some local radicals don’t like the display.

One young man attacked the display multiple times. So what did this  criminal premeditated freedom despising violence accomplish?

Obviously the real Donald J. Trump, 2016 Republican Presidential Nominee, is unharmed. The Republicans working the Tulsa GOP booth amused if not laughing wile repairing minor damage. The greatest benefit goes to Republicans as the story is spreading.

TulRepubLogo1Keep in mind that traditional media, even in Tulsa, are mostly of the Left (Liberals/Marxists/Democrats) that this violent brown shirt tactic is not being reported, but it doesn’t matter what traditional media reports. Powerful personal stories like this add strength and determination to Conscientious Conservative Voters who may not talk politics to pollsters, but are increasingly determined to vote for Donald J. Trump for president. Diverse members of all races are taking selfies with his image continually at the 2016 Tulsa State Fair.

They believe Hillary Clinton (based on 46-very-odd-years of public life) will institute a government of Criminal Cronyism.

Street Art in Brooklyn. Photo: The Weekly Standard.

Street Art in Brooklyn. Photo: The Weekly Standard.

Clinton makes that point herself in ridiculing Bernie Sanders Voters as incompetent, lazy, free-loaders living in their parent’s basement and Donald Trump Voters as a basket of deplorables. Just like she fantasied about a “vast right-wing conspiracy” as Bill Clinton raped his way around the world, Hillary Clinton accuses others of crimes her crew commit in shades of shame reflective of her mentor Saul Alinsky. The only people Hillary likes are elitist friends and Wall Street Bankers – not the rest-of-us.

Traditional media both local and worldwide often look to interview toothless, overall wearing, badly speaking Oklahomans for their prepared news packages. In contrast, for national readers, consider that Oklahoma has had high-tech here for decades before New Yorkers knew the term. How else do you think we managed to produce the oil and gas that powered the industrial revolution? It’s called science.

Oklahoma was ruled by Democrats for a hundred years, but we are more populist than party and it is not in the people’s interests when cronies rule with force-of-law, regulation and taxation. (See former state political disgrace Democrat Gene Stipe for more detail.)

Woody Guthrie display at the Tulsa State Fair. Photo by David Arnett

Photo by David Arnett

However, Democrats are not restricted by truth. Having booed God three times during their national convention while removing any reference to Divine Providence from their platform, Democrats locally are promoting Oklahoma Musician Woody Guthrie at their booth at the Tulsa State Fair. Guthrie, the depression-era folk musician, has recently benefited from the George Kaiser Family Foundation and there is now a museum in downtown Tulsa of his life and work.

George Kaiser, as many may know, was one of Barack Obama’s most successful financial bundlers. However, there is no discovered substance to the rumor that the name of our fine city is soon to be changed from Tulsa to Kaiserville.

America is divided. Fundamental freedoms are threatened by lies and violence, not from the Right, but from the Left. You can see it in their eyes. The realization that the Obama/Clinton attack on individual constitutionally protected liberties and free enterprise may fail.

Trump Supporters. Photo by David Arnett, Tulsa Today

Trump Supporters. Photo by David Arnett, Tulsa Today

Two young women arrived at the GOP State Fair booth and immediately gave hugs to the Republican workers. They had tried to register to vote at the Democrat booth, but mentioned there that they planned to vote for Donald J. Trump. The Democrat workers “intimidated them with a lengthy lecture” asserting that “they, as women, should not vote for Trump or register as Republicans” and turned them away.

During a citizen’s voter registration it is against the law for anyone serving as an agent for the Election Board to act that way and, if there are any traditional journalist looking for a story, a complaint has been filed on that incident with the Tulsa County Election Board Secretary Patty Bryant. 

Let’s judge local media on how long it takes for them to cover this quick and easy fun story as giftwrapped and presented here without charge.

Republicans registered thousands to vote at the Tulsa State Fair GOP booth (located on the East wall of the Expo Building). No one cared there to which party. Democrat registrations are dutifully processed and submitted to Election Board officials. Many of those registering say they have not voted for a long time – one said 15 years, but he was going to vote this year for Donald J. Trump.

Votes are more powerful than cardboard punches from radicals.


David Arnett

David Arnett

About the author: Tulsa Today Publisher David Arnett has won two national awards as a First Amendment Advocate. He worked as a city-hall reporter for the former Tulsa Tribune and as paid contributor to many other regional and national newspapers. Arnett has published in newsprint, but established in 1996 providing for twenty-years a platform for diverse local news and opinion. He was the last local call-in radio talk show host on a major station in Tulsa and the first to organize a Tulsa Christmas Parade when establishment organizers forgot the reason for the season in 2011. Arnett is also a communications consultant for corporate, nonprofit and select political campaigns.

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