Analysis: It all started with this gorilla… No, I of course mean the election year. I mean really, who would have seriously believed President Donald Trump? Thus, 2016 has to have been the craziest year on record. There were so many scandals and x-factors, hints, allegations and things better left unsaid. By conventional wisdom, this was to be Clinton-reich 2.0. Hillary was merely waiting to be crowned. Establishment(s), Wall Street, the mainstream media were all in her corner, if not in her pocket.
Fortunately, for most of the rest of us, this election was anything but conventional and these are some of the reasons why it swung to “Make America Great” and some of the key players aboard the Trump Train.
1. Julian Assange/ WikiLeaks
Say what you want about Julian Assange and WikiLeaks but the election could not have been won without them. The deluge of data revealed by this organization was imperative to the American voter. It confirmed the hypocrisy and corruption that many already believed existed in the Democratic Party, from homophobic and racist comments, such as referring to Latinos as “taco bowl voters” or one male DNC worker professing his love for another but “not in a gay way.” Hillary Clinton’s “public and private face” was documented in admissions to insiders that there is no way we can vet Syrian refugees yet she wanted to up the intake by 550%.
Through WikiLeaks, we learned that the Democratic National Committee was bent against Bernie Sanders and then DNC Chairman Debbie Wasserman-Schultz was instrumental in rigging the primaries against Sanders. She was forced to resign in disgrace but was immediately hired by the Clinton campaign. Schultz was replaced by Donna Brazile who, we later discovered through WikiLeaks, slipped debate questions to Secretary Clinton in advance of the debates. Brazile was fired by CNN. Who can forget the Pay-for-Play scandals? Emails released by Assange document that over 50% of the non-official appointments with people who met with Clinton during her tenure as Secretary of State were also donors to the Clinton Foundation. The list goes on and on and on but those were a few of the biggest hits.
2. James O’Keefe/ Project Veritas Action
O’Keefe’s work was the perfect 1-2 punch with WikiLeaks. Where WikiLeaks exposed corruption in text form, Project Veritas showed video. Through the use of old fashioned hidden camera journalism, his staffers infiltrated organizations affiliated with the Democratic Party, gained the trust of the leaders and got them to admit to colluding on dirty dealings behind the scenes with members of the Clinton campaign. It began with a 4 minute video of a conversation with the New York City Commissioner of Board of elections , Alan Schulkin describing how voter fraud works in NYC.
From there, O’Keefe introduced us to Scott Foval, field operative for Americans United for Change, and Bob Creamer, founder of Democracy Partners. These two were exposed for inserting “protesters” on the ground who would then incite violence at political rallies for President elect Trump, a process they referred to as “bird dogging.” The following video linked Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton directly with Foval and Creamer. This had to do with the protesters dressed as Donald Duck carrying signs that Donald Trump had yet to release his tax returns. “It was Hillary Clinton… who wanted ducks on the ground then by God, we’ll have ducks on the ground,” said Creamer. After the release of these videos, Scott Foval was fired and Creamer “resigned.”
3. Alex Jones/ InfoWars
In sptie of his reputation as a tin-foil hat wearing conspiracy theorist, Alex Jones has been on the trail of the Clintons since their days as the first family of Arkansas. Teaming up with former Clinton insider Larry Nichols, as well as Roger Stone, who was on the White House staffs of Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon, Jones and his crack team of journalists at InfoWars exposed the criminal activity of the Clintons’ pay-to-play schemes and gave voice to Bill Clinton’s sexual assault victims. Jones was also one of the first to break the story that George Soros was helping to fund Black Lives Matter and the Clinton campaign. A constant thorn in Hillary Clinton’s side, Jones achieved notoriety when he was called out by name during Hillary’s “Alt-Right” speech. He was also behind the “Hillary for Prison” banners flying over the cities of Cleveland and Philadelphia during both the Democratic and Republican National Conventions. On the off chance that you remember seeing protestors on TV or at Clinton rallies shouting out “Bill Clinton’s a rapist,” Jones had a hand in that as well.
4. Matt Drudge/ The Drudge Report
The Drudge Report is a founding member of the alternative media, or what the Legacy Media and the Democratic establishment calls “fake news.” Like Alex Jones, Matt Drudge has had a nose for Clinton corruption for over 20 years. In fact, it was Drudge who broke the Monica Lewinsky story in 1998.
Lambasted by the mainstream for using sensational, click bait headlines, the Drudge Report has held the feet of the elite to the fire, whether those feet have belonged to Democrat or Republican and in 2016, it finally paid off. Drudge brought Hillary Clinton’s health scandal to light by publishing the now famous photo of Hillary being helped up a flight of stairs by her handlers. The story was poo-poo’d by every mainstream media outlet except for Fox News and it set the internet ablaze. Clinton’s coughing fits and seizure-like episodes lent credence to Drudge’s initial story and Hillary’s fainting spell after leaving the 9/11 memorial was the crown jewel. Through collaboration with InfoWars and others, the Drudge report shined light upon the dirt and grime of the DNC and the Clinton campaign that the mainstream media tried to keep hidden under the proverbial rug.
5. Milo Yiannapoulos/ Breitbart News
“Birth Control Makes Women Unattractive and Crazy.” “Would You Rather your Child Had Feminism or Cancer?” Hillary Clinton made these Breitbart News headlines famous (or infamous, depending on your point of view) during her “Alt-Right” speech. But who is the man behind those headlines? None other than Milo Yiannapoulos, Senior Editor at Breitbart.
Milo is possibly Donald Trump’s most outspoken supporter, calling him “Daddy.” He is flamboyant, outlandish, and stylish, an agent provocateur, a troll and self-styled “most fabulous supervillain on the internet.” Over the last two years, Milo has toured a multitude of American colleges and universities speaking as a proponent of free speech and is a hated adversary of social justice warriors eveywhere. His “Dangerous Faggot Tour” has helped to awaken a conservative movement among college-going millennials and mobilized that demographic to vote Trump.
6. H.A. Goodman/ Author & Journalist
H.A. Goodman is different from everyone else on this list. He is a Democrat and Bernie Sanders supporter. Goodman has appeared on many of the mainstream networks, including CNN and MSNBC. What makes Goodman stand out from the rest is his YouTube channel. He covered the WikiLeaks releases thoroughly and as straight as an anti-Hillary Democrat could possibly do. While he was no fan of Trump and voted for Dr. Jill Stein, Goodman saw the dangers that Clinton represented and the depths to which the Democratic Party would sink to ensure she was “elected.” In the end he saw that Trump was far less of a threat to go to war with Russia and there’s no telling how many of his subscribers he may have steered away from Clinton.
7. Michael Savage/ Author & Talk Radio Host
The controversial author and talk radio host Michael Savage is another furnace in the belly of the Trump Train. Savage has done multiple interviews with The Donald since he began his campaign and has courted no other. Savage has in equal measure swooned over Trump as well as been sharply critical. During the GOP primaries, he told his audience that the reason Trump would be the leader that America needs right now is that Trump is a builder. “Think of the people he’s had to work with to build those buildings. Think of all the complexity, to get the unions in line. To get the concrete poured and not stopped. To get the electricians to not walk off the job. That’s exactly why he’s going to be a great president. Because he knows how to negotiate.” But Savage has criticized some of the president-elect’s cabinet choices, such as Secretary of education, Betsy DeVos. Last week, he tweeted “TRUMP EDUC SECY PICK SUPPORTS COMMON CORE-RHINOS CHEER…” The RINO in question was Jeb Bush.
In his book, Scorched Earth: Restoring the Country After Obama, Savage writes: “We’re one bad election away from losing the counrty.” Savage said Obama’s “scorched earth policies” are turning America into a Third World nation of terror, riots, mobs and chaos. But he also added, “we’re one election away from survival.” At the beginning of the book, Dr. Savage quotes French historian and archaeologist Andre Piganiol: “Roman civilization did not pass peacefully away. It was assassinated.” He draws a parallel to the United States saying that our nation is being assassinated by the Left. Scorched Earth debuted at no. 4 on the New York Times Best Seller list although it had outsold two of the three books ahead of it.
8. Ann Coulter/ Author
Ann Coulter was on Real Time with Bill Maher when she was asked who of the Republican nominees stood the greatest chance of being elected president. To the shock of everyone in the studio, she replied “Donald Trump.” Everyone laughed. EVERYONE. After two books, Adios America: The Left’s Plan to Turn Our Country into a Third World Hell Hole and In Trump We Trust: E Pluribus Awesome, and many TV and radio appearances, no one talks Trump like Ann Coulter. Whether The Donald got his immigration policy from her book or not, she could easily claim credit for it. Adios America explains how the Liberals intend to allow illegal immigration to change the demographics of the nation in a grab for power such that a Republican would never be able to hold public office again, and how the RINO’s are complicit.
In Trump We Trust plumbs the depths of how lost conservatives felt before 2016, how the party establishment left them behind in favor of another agenda. But the voters wanted to keep the country. They wanted Trump. “Keep the country” is a sentiment that Coulter and many Trump supporters can lay claim to. After all, if we’re going to Make America Great Again, we have to “keep the country” from going over a cliff, right? So the choice was made, anchor was weighed, now we see if the saveable can indeed be saved.
9. Diamond & Silk
Nobody stumps for Trump like Diamond & Silk! Lynette Hardaway and Rochelle Richardson are sisters, video bloggers & YouTube personalities that made a huge splash by posting a video critical of Megyn Kelley’s line of irrelevent questions directed at Donald Trump during a GOP debate. This dynamic duo of ex-Democrats rail against “media bias, political babble, and repetitive political tactics that they feel the average American is tired of being subjected to.” Diamond & Silk have appeared on stage at two Trump rallies in their native North Carolina and another in Biloxi, Ms.
10. The Forgotten American Voter
You are the real hero. You’re the one who said, “I’ve had it. I’m tired of being lied to and lied about.” You are the one who lost a job when the factory closed and moved to Mexico or China while the news told you unemployment rates were only 5%. Maybe you were the one who stuck it out and graduated high school when all your friends were dropping out only to find that in your neighborhood, it doesn’t matter if you have a diploma when there aren’t any jobs. Are you the one who earned his citizenship legally? It took months. You didn’t speak English when you arrived 15 years ago. You had to study and learn. You worked hard for what you have and you are proud because you earned it the right way. Now you hear about sanctuary cities and anchor babies, illegals crossing the border by the thousands.
You are the one who’s being told that you’re racist when you’re not, sexist when it isn’t true, homophobic when you don’t care who’s what and Islamaphobic when– OK, you got me on that one. But there’s a damn good reason to be! The point is you’ve been left behind, ignored, pandered to, forgotten about, regardless of whether you were Left or Right, red or blue, Democrat or Republican. Those you have voted for have FAILED. Maybe you voted for Hope and Change. Twice. Now you have far less hope and very little change in your pocket. You have had enough. Not only have you rejected the politics and economics of the Left in Washington, D.C., but you did it with such force and conviction that there are only 5 states nationwide under Democratic leadership. Little else needs to be said but “well done.”