Analysis: It’s not often that two of my passions, comic books and politics, come together, but October 21 the United Nations(UN) announced DC Comics character Wonder Woman was named Honorary Ambassador for the Empowerment of Women and Girls. According to an official statement, the super heroine was to be the icon for Goal 5, which “seeks to achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls by 2030.”
Two months later the UN changed its mind.
In an October ceremony in New York at the Headquarters, U.N. Under-Secretary-General for Communications and Public Information Christina Gallach said, “While we have achieved progress towards gender equality in many parts of the world, women and girls continue to suffer discrimination and violence. Gender equality is a fundamental human right and a foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world.”
Gallach went on to say that the campaign ”is an example of how we are working with diverse partners and making new alliances to reach out to audiences everywhere to know about and understand the Goals, and, in this case, about gender equality.”
The President of DC Entertainment and Warner Bros. Consumer Products, Diane Nelson stated that the campaign has their full support and that the U.N.’s efforts to promote female empowerment “is a weighty responsibility that all of us at DC and Warner Bros. are proud to take on.” Nelson also said that Wonder Woman has always been a “trailblazer for women’s rights.” Wonder Woman actresses Lynda Carter, who played the character on the 70’s TV series and Gal Gadot who will wield the magic lasso in the 2017 feature film, were both in attendance.
I know what you’re thinking, “this is a bunch of left-wing, Globalist garbage.” Yes. Yes, it is. But wait, there’s more.
When the iconic super heroine was deposed from her title, according to CNN, it was because U.N. staffers petitioned Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to reconsider his choice, saying that the 75 year-old comic book character is “not culturally encompassing or sensitive” and given the culture in the United States that objectifies women and girls, the choice would be inappropriate.
The petition states that “Although the original creators may have intended Wonder Woman to represent a strong and independent “warrior” woman with a feminist message, the reality is that the character’s current iteration is that of a large breasted, white woman of impossible proportions, scantily clad in a shimmery, thigh-baring body suit with an American flag motif and knee high boots –the epitome of a ‘pin-up’ girl.”

Actors Gal Gadot and Lynda Carter pose during an event to name Wonder Woman UN Honorary Ambassador for the Empowerment of Women and Girls at the United Nations Headquarters in the Manhattan borough of New York, New York, U.S., October 21. REUTERS/Carlo Allegri
As of Dec. 13, approximately 45,000 people had signed the petition, roughly the population of Stillwater, Ok. So would you like to bet how many of those are religious extremists? Want to wager on what faith?
That’s right, Wonder Woman is too white, too American and too sexy to be a feminist icon. What. The. Hell? Apparently, white women aren’t faring much better in the Oppression Olympics than are white men.
Maher Nasser, a U.N. official who essentially brokered the deal with DC, said that they had committed to a year and that as long as the campaign had momentum, they would move forward. However, once the petition was submitted, Mr. Mo-Mentum must have changed his address. In a phone interview with NPR, Jeffrey Brez, another official in the same department as Nasser, said that the campaign was never intended to last a year and it had been decided before the petition that the U.N. would only last until December.
Tulsa Today cannot confirm that Brez is a student of Obama Propagandist Ben Rhodes.
“Soon after the launch we said, what day should it actually end on? And we decided on December 16 because after that, the holidays were coming up, and it didn’t make sense to continue the campaign into the holiday season,” Brez said. Given the length of the campaign as first indicated by Nasser and Nelson, it is difficult to believe that Brez’s statement isn’t a virtue signal to the pressure applied by 45,000 social justice warriors signing a petition. Unsurprisingly, the removal of Wonder Woman as the face of the campaign has done little to quell cries of the malcontents of other perspectives.
Social media was abuzz with the news that Wonder Woman had been dropped, Catherine Bennett at the far-left rag, The Guardian tweeted out her column entitled “A Wonder Woman at the UN? How About a Real One?” She stated that “It hasn’t been a good week for female empowerment, with fictional characters being held up as role models.” However, there seemed to be more Twitter support for the Star Spangled super heroine than for the U.N.
One Twitter user, Natalie tweeted, “The UN’s decision to drop Wonder Woman on the basis that she has big boobs and a short outfit is some next level fake feminism bulls**t.” Wonder Woman comic book writer Gail Simone tweeted a thread of 28 messages bemoaning the U.N.’s verdict.
In an interview on CBS This Morning, co-host Gayle King read the charges against Wonder Woman listed in the petition, Lynda Carter glanced down at her own “impossible proportions” and looked back up incredulously. “I can say it’s bull…,” she said. “Wonder Woman is an idea, it’s about fighting for freedom.”
Actress Gal Godot, star of next year’s Wonder Woman film, responded directly to the same complaints in an interview with Time Magazine by saying, “When people argue that Wonder Woman should ‘cover up,’ I don’t quite get it. They say, ‘If she’s smart and strong, she can’t also be sexy.’ That’s not fair. Why can’t she be all of the above?”
The sad if not harmful hypocrisy of Cultural Marxism and Third Wave Feminism in particular overwhelms this story as many divide into intersecting classes of oppression: Being a woman is okay, but being pretty and fit hurts the feelings of women who are unfit and ugly. Being white offends people of color and being American offends EVERYBODY at the UN.