YR announces new leadership team

Young Republicans announced Monday the formation of their 2017 slate of officer candidates after current OKYR Chairman, and founder of the Generation YR Coalition, Scott Chance announced his plans not to seek another term in order to pursue a seat on the National Young Republicans leadership team.

The new Generation YR slate will be: John Roberts (Oklahoma City) for State Chairman; Joshua Kraft (Pauls Valley) for State Vice-Chair; Meg Jennings (Edmond) for Secretary; Jonathan Hall (Tulsa) for Treasurer; Mandy Govia (Oklahoma City) for National Committeewoman; and CJ Cavin (Luther) for National Committeeman.

All of the 2017 leadership team currently serve on the Young Republican Executive Committee and will work to build upon the successes of the last four years.

“We owe a great debt to the former YR Chairmen that helped rebuild our organization in Oklahoma.  The Generation YR Slate has the opportunity to build on the firm foundation that Former Chairman Michael Stopp and current Chairman Scott Chance have built,” said Roberts.

Chairman Chance said, “It has been a great pleasure to serve as the Young Republican State Chairman, and I know that  our organization will continue to thrive as the Generation YR slate transitions into their new roles.”

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