Chicago protests against violence
The Chicago public school system has decided to defy the President of the United States and provide children a vivid example of criminal conspiracy unusually reserved for backroom education union meetings. No wonder Chicago property crime and violent murders are surging – they teach the young that law doesn’t matter.
More than 392,000 students attend public schools in Chicago, and on Tuesday a letter was sent home with each of those students telling their parents that Chicago schools will not “assist in the enforcement of federal civil immigration law.” In fact, the letter actually says that federal officials will not even be allowed “to access CPS facilities.”
Every Chicago public school is now a “sanctuary” for illegal immigrants and in open rebellion against the president, congress, established law, history, and modern civilization. It’s a very dangerous sign of chaos to follow from the shoreline of Loony Leftists.
Chicago Public Schools could lose all Federal funds for breaking law and, with any luck, earn prison time for principals and top school officials. This move from a disastrous district devoid of education competence might have been anticipated given Chicago’s crisis addicted Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s impotent management of the city.
Mayor Emanuel established a precedent for law-breaking earlier this year when he pledged to defy President Donald J. Trump and to continue to keep Chicago a “sanctuary city” for illegal immigrants.
The Chicago Tribune reported that as President Trump signed an executive order to cut off some (not all) federal funding from sanctuary cities, Mayor Emanuel vowed Chicago would remain one and continue to protect immigrants from deportation. All criminal all the time.
“We’re gonna stay a sanctuary city,” Emanuel said in a news conference after [a] City Council meeting. “There is no stranger among us. We welcome people, whether you’re from Poland or Pakistan, whether you’re from Ireland or India or Israel and whether you’re from Mexico or Moldova, where my grandfather came from, you are welcome in Chicago as you pursue the American Dream.”
Apparently, that welcome dream includes education in law breaking – maybe more of a nightmare, but what the heck – it’s only Chicago not a city in Syria.