The Associated Press is reporting that the Supreme Court has ruled the Trump administration may fully enforce a ban on travel to the U.S. by residents of eight nations, six of which are mostly Muslim.
The justices, with two dissenting votes, said Monday that the policy can take full effect even as legal challenges against it make their way through the courts.

A woman wears a US flag as a headscarf in a #NoMuslimBanEver rally in L.A. in October. Photo: CNN
According to the AP, the action suggests the high court would uphold the latest version of the ban Trump announced in September. Residents of North Korea are now barred from entering the United States, along with some groups of people from Venezuela
Travelers from Chad, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Syria and Yemen would be affected, primarily because of a lack of functionality by the respective governments in documenting travelers. The Trump Administration said that blocking the full ban was causing “irreparable harm” because the policy is based on legitimate national security and foreign policy concerns.

Islamic Rape of Europe has been proclaimed by media
Lower courts had said people from those nations with a claim of a “bona fide” relationship with someone in the United States could not be kept out of the country. Grandparents, cousins and other relatives were among those some courts said could not be excluded – an argument Leftist Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Sonia Sotomayor supported.
The San Francisco-based 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals and the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Richmond, Virginia, are holding arguments on the issue this week.
Both are dealing with the ban on an accelerated basis, and the Supreme Court noted it expects them to reach decisions “with appropriate dispatch.” Quick decisions by appellate courts would allow the Supreme Court to hear and decide the issue by the end of June.