Yes Virginia is for parents

The parents of Virginia and across the nation awoke during Covid’s forced remote learning tyranny to discover public schools teaching evil – racism and sexual perversion — immoral, if not pure evil. 

Then, when parents went to their local school board they were dismissed, insulted, attacked, and prosecuted with the U.S. Attorney General sending the FBI to target them. Their proper reaction reflected from coast to coast gives heart to all that elections can have consequences positive for the people – that reason can prevail – that bat-shit-crazy Leftists can be successfully opposed even in deep blue states. Momma Bear and Pappa Bear are powerful to protect their cubs when riled.

Going into this year’s Virginia and New Jersey gubernatorial elections, it was widely expected that Democrats would easily hang onto leadership. After all, Virginia has been a reliably blue state for over more than a decade, when Terry McAuliffe kept the governor’s house blue in 2013, despite a Democrat presidency, thus bucking previous trends of the opposite party winning.

Taking into account all the elections, big and small, across the country there was a clear national shift. Biden had won Virginia by a strong 10 points just a year ago, and New Jersey by 16. However, the governor race is still too close to call for the Republican in New Jersey. Win or lose, that is a healthy double digit shift of public opinion in just a year. The Virginia House of Delegates reverting back to Republican has shocked many Democrat incumbents. But this same phenomenon was seen in New Jersey, where New Jersey State Senate President Steve Sweeney is likely to lose his seat to a truck driver who only spent $153 on his campaign.

Herschel Walker, a Republican running for U.S. Senate in Georgia, told Breitbart News on Wednesday that “Georgia is next.”

Herschel Walker (R)

“I think that people are waking up. I think people are getting tired of this. Here we go. They see what’s going on,” Walker told Breitbart. “Let’s look at this economy. One of the things that they heard all during the election last year was this Keystone Pipeline, the Keystone Pipeline, Keystone Pipeline. I remember hearing our president say, ‘Oh, I’m not gonna cancel it. I’m not going to do anything. I’m not. I’m going to keep the jobs.’ Before he even got into office, he cancelled it. He made us rely on other people for all of our energy. We can be self-sufficient for ourselves and because of that, the prices are going out of the roof. Gas prices, you can’t get stuff on the shelves because you got to deliver. You see the ships out there? People are not working… So it’s a lot more than just people waking up saying, ‘wait a minute, something is not right here.’ And I think that’s what’s so great is people are starting to see that.”

Winsome Sears (R) Virginia Lt. Gov.-Elect

On Wednesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “The Story,” Virginia Lt. Gov.-Elect Winsome Sears (R) said she is “destroying all of the narratives about race.”

Sears said, “Look at me, I am a heartbeat away from the governorship in case anything happens to the governor. And how are you going to tell me then, I’m a victim? And I didn’t do anything special to get here except stay in school and study. I took advantage of the opportunities that are available here in America. I wasn’t born here. This is not my culture, not my country. But it allowed me — America allowed me to come and do for myself and for my family.

“And I remember when I was wanting to go to college, I had three children under five. My husband took a lower-paying job so he could stay home because he already had his degree, and I put one of my children on the back of a bicycle so that I could get to college. So, no one can say to me I don’t know what it is to be poor. You’re looking at the American Dream. So, we can do better. And it’s not 1963 when my father came at the height of the Civil Rights movement, 17 days before Martin Luther King Jr. gave his ‘I Have a Dream’ speech. We’re better than that. We’re always going to have problems. I understand that. I’m not saying we’re perfect, but you can see those people at the border, right now, trying to get in. They’re dying to get in. Because they know if they can put a foot on American soil, the trajectory of their lives will change, just as it did for my father,” Winsome added.

Seattle looks set to elect its first Republican in more than 3 decades, Bruce Harrell, leading 65-35. Harrell ran unabashedly as a pro-police candidate, along with the city attorney, Ann Davidson, who ran on a similar platform pushing more prosecutions of low level crimes in a city dealing with rampant homelessness. Voters pushed back against their rivals who ran on overhauling the criminal justice system.

Apart from geographical results, let’s look at demographic takeaways. Much has been said about the MAGA base and Trump affecting elections, certainly what was attributed to the California recall’s 24 point loss in California. However, the California recall was still a 5 point shift to the right from last year’s presidential election.

Youngkin in Virginia ultimately ran on a winning Trump and Republican platform, but brought issues to the forefront.  Localizing is key, and Republicans are better at communicating kitchen table issues than Democrats who tend to think only the elite matter and the public is stupid.

The African American community came out in force, driven by on-the-ground issues like school choice and pushing back on Democrats regarding racism. Democrats continue to peddle racism, while pretending to not be racists. Winsome Sears, Virginia’s first female and black Lieutenant Governor is not having it saying, “black voters are tired of being manipulated” echoing a growing sentiment of rebellion by black Democrats. As a former Marine, her list of qualifications show the importance of merit welcomed in the Republican Party. 

Glenn Youngkin (R) Gov.-Elect, Virginia

Youngkin also won a majority of Latinos in Virginia, following Trump’s trend and roadmap of improving minority demographics.

A Texas state House seat in San Antonio flipped blue to red. Biden carried this 75 percent Hispanic district by 14 points, continuing gains made in West Texas and the southern border, which was traditionally Democrat for over a century. These voters see the invasion at the border and economic/employment impact daily.

The bottom line is the GOP can appeal simultaneously to upscale suburban voters and working class. Parents of any class love their kids and worry what inflation and unemployment the coming generation may suffer thanks to Democrat policies.

In Virginia 2020, white women were won by Biden, 50-49.  Tuesday, Youngkin won the same demographic 57-43, a 15-point swing towards the Republicans.

The love of children and concern for their future moves parents beyond traditional political tribes. The arrogance of academia and the power elite can end. People can see the truth beyond ideological ignorance in major media.

Sen. Marco Rubio

Senator Marco Rubio (R-Florida) said Wednesday night on Fox News, “The dividing line in politics isn’t even left or right anymore. It is crazy versus normal. It’s these people that run our school systems and parents, who during the pandemic for the first time got to see what their kids were learning because they were learning from home, they were like, ‘you’re learning what?’ ‘They are teaching you what?’ When they [parents] spoke up they are domestic terrorists. I watched with great interest all this coverage about White supremacists. In Virginia, last night a Jamaican immigrant, African-American woman [Winsome Sears] was elected lieutenant governor of the state. A Cuban-American, Jason Miyares, was elected Attorney General of the Commonwealth of Virginia. None of that is being reported. These people [media] are nuts. They spend all day on television and after they are off the air talking to everybody and they all agree with each other because they all live in one or two cities and they literally are completely out of touch with the fact that 97% of the American population lives completely different lives, have completely different views, and when Election Day comes they can’t explain it so they chalk it up to, they cheated or White supremacists or whatever. They make something up because they can’t comprehend it. Last night was the beginning of the push back and it is going to continue.”

About the authors: Marc Ang ( is a community organizer in Southern California and the founder of Asian Industry B2B who works with many supply chain businesses, and specializes in race relations and the minority conservative experience. His book “Minority Retort” will be released in late 2021.

David Arnett is a former Tulsa Tribune reporter and radio talk show host. Arnett publishes while providing communications consulting for select private and public clients. He is a nationally awarded First Amendment Advocate, Musician, Anglican, Home-Brewer and Republican Precinct Chairman in Tulsa.

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