OKLAHOMA CITY – More than 300 school districts gave their superintendents raises of more than $1,000 during a time of massive eduction cuts, according to a new study.
The study was compiled by Oklahomans for Responsible Government from state Department of Education data. The report is part of OFRG’s continuing efforts to improve transparency in government.
“Common Education is getting its budget cut like all other agencies this year, but a majority of superintendents got pay raises – some as much as a teacher’s salary,” said Brian Downs, OFRG Executive Director. “This is money that is not getting into the classroom.”
The report said more than $51 million was spent on superintendents’ salaries this year, up $1 million from last year. The number of superintendents making $100,000 or more is up from 175 last year to more than 200 this year. Furthermore, 58 superintendents make more than State Superintendent Sandy Garrett, whose salary is set by statute at around $124,000.
“Someday we’d like to be able to do a report like this on all administrative costs, but with so few districts putting their budget details on their websites, compiling that data is difficult,” said Downs. “This is the kind of information taxpayers deserve to have at their fingertips so they can give feedback to their elected officials on the school board.”
The full report is available at here at OFRG’s web site.