Riders with friends and visitors are welcome to gather in honor of the 14 Oklahoma National Guardsmen killed during Operation Enduring Freedom – the war in Afghanistan from October 2001 to December 2014 in direct response to the Islamic terrorist attack on the World Trade Center on 9/11.
The 14 mile ride kicks off at the Elks Lodge #946 located at 5335 S. Harvard Ave, Tulsa, this Saturday, August 13th.
Registration begins at the Elks Lodge at 10:00 AM with kickstands up at 11:30 AM as the ride begins – 14 miles for 14 heroes.
Immediately following the ride there’s a celebration at Black Gold Park in Glenpool. Bring the Kids. Starting at noon there will be raffle drawings, music, kid’s activities and food.
The public is invited. Donations will be accepted to benefit Oklahoma Veterans.
How do you attend? Just come out and enjoy freedom of the day and fellowship with other patriots. Honor those who died defending freedom, by enjoying it with friends and family.
Oklahoma National Guard heroes October 2001 to December 2014.
We remember you.