Today as Mr. Al Sharpton rallies in Tulsa to demagogue the death of Terence Crutcher and demonize Tulsa and all law enforcement, I could loan him my copy of Burgess Owens’ book, “Liberalism or How To Turn Good Men Into Whiners Weenies and Wimps.” Unfortunately, Sharpton is not honest enough to return a borrowed book or intellectually inclined to read and consider contrary ideology.
It is a shame really. There is no individual Liberty in Liberal, as it is known in the modern age, but with men of principle like Burgess Owens, there is hope still for America.
Brugess begins with details of his NFL career, his life and what he believes which, again, may be the last hope for America – that individuals of African heritage will again stand for freedom and individual responsibility with the courage of their forefathers.
The Black Middle Class can be the saviors of the American Way as the book’s back cover heralds in headline. The book also documents “the roles of the 21 white, self-avowed socialist, atheist and Marxist founders of the NAACP and their impact on the Black community’s present status at the top of our nation’s misery index.”

Burgess Owens
Burgess is a former NFL Super Bowl Champion. He led the Oakland Raiders defensive squad in tackles during their championship season and in the 1981 Super Bowl XV game. Today, he speaks nationally on the intrinsic principles of freedom that lie beneath the foundation of our America way of life.
He asserts and documents the decades of anti-Black legislation supported by liberal Black leaders who prioritized class over race in their zeal for the promises of socialism. “Anti-Black legislation, dating back to the 1932 Davis-Bacon Act continues today to suppress inter-community Black capitalism, federal construction-related Black employment, work and job experience for Black teenagers, quality education access for urban Black children, and the role of Black men as leaders within the family unit” Burgess writes.
“Americans can ensure that the century-long sacrifice of lost hopes, dreams and lives made by the proud, courageous, patriotic, capitalist, Christian-based, self-sufficient, education-seeking Black community of the early 1900s was not in vain-but only if we choose to learn lessons from those past, great Black generations,” he adds.
In an early chapter titled, “The Spirit of Harriett Tubman” Burgess writes, “The uniqueness of our society is its perpetuation of opportunity necessary for vertical mobility… in our country there are no imposed static layers of rich and poor, where at the doorway stands a sentinel granting or denying access…as part of our inherent beauty, we are the one country that allows for as many ‘do-overs’ as the dreamer has the faith and endurance to take…Our economic system fluid and growing, allows us to be active participants in its success cycle, regardless of color, creed, gender or economic status.” (Liberalism, page 35)
One of the foundations of my journalism career and political participation is the hope that some spokesman like Burgess Owens would arise with a call for Black Americans to throw off the enslavement of Liberalism – to stop trading freedom for a promise of free stuff (that never seems to arrive) and return to the classic concepts of personal character, free enterprise, Constitutional limited government and unlimited individual opportunity.
My first death threat came after I spoke publicly to the Tulsa Public School Board in support of integration in the early 70s – haters called my parents number as I had not graduated yet from Tulsa Memorial High School. An avid history student, I also served as Chairman of the Mayor’s Youth Council, Chairman of the Youth Group of the National Conference of Christians and Jews and as youth liaison to the Community Relations Commission of Tulsa. The Commission funded my participation in the 11th Annual Human Relations Workshop at the University of Oklahoma July 27 to August 1, 1970.

David Arnett (center) at the 11th Annual Human Relations Workshop, OU, 1970.
At that Workshop after sessions, I partied with the young people of color attending and remember vividly that some asserted Marxism was the future of America. Having read Karl Marx, I was opposed, but at that time, had not yet “come out” as a Conservative. I never thought, in my lifetime, America would fall for the lies of Marx, but this November with Hillary Clinton many may vote for America’s end.
Today, I could not write such a powerful call to character as Burgess Owens has crafted for Black Americans. I am not a member of that community and especially today seen as white regardless of character – the exact opposite of how Martin Luther King dreamed his people would judge. Regardless, every American should read “Liberalism or How To Turn Good Men Into Whiners Weenies and Wimps” it is the hope Barack Obama promised, but never delivered – a dream of a nation beyond race.

Burgess Owens and Colin Kaepernick
Maybe we should send a copy of Burgess Owens’ book to San Francisco 49ers football player Colin Kaepernick. It might greatly help the younger man as Kaepernick’s display of historical ignorance show him hooked on false ideology lacking the wisdom Burgess provides.