Jim Acosta, illustrates stupid
Analysis: What a very pretty boy with such an empty head is CNN’s Jim Acosta. Vile in his ignorant simplicity marinated in hubris; Acosta demonstrates daily why media earns less respect than Congress. To go so low is difficult, but Acosta aims to show how it is done – a fool by any standard.
The myth of Acosta’s “impartial” reporting and “unbiased” journalism laid bare in video yesterday.
One of our favorite national web sites, The Daily Wire, covers Acosta’s tantrum at the press event in detail and with screen shots from Twitter, but apparently only those using a Google Browser may view the video. To go directly to Acosta’s twitter account, click here.
The nation wanted to hear from President Donald J. Trump and Acosta wanted to be the only story – again. What a soiled brat. For The Daily Wire, Ryan Saavedra writes:
“The United States Secret Service took away CNN’s Jim Acosta’s “hard pass” late on Wednesday after the professional provocateur pulled another obnoxious stunt during a White House press conference.
“I’ve just been denied entrance to the WH. Secret Service just informed me I cannot enter the WH grounds for my 8pm hit,” Acosta wrote on Twitter.
“President Trump believes in a free press and expects and welcomes tough questions of him and his Administration,” White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said in a tweet. “We will, however, never tolerate a reporter placing his hands on a young woman just trying to do her job as a White House intern.”
“Contrary to CNN’s assertions, there is no greater demonstration of the President’s support for a free press than the event he held today,” Sanders continued. “Only they would attack the President for not supporting a free press in the midst of him taking 68 questions from 35 different reporters over the course of 1.5 hours including several from the reporter in question.“
Acosta antics require apology – at least. If he worked for a real news organization, he would be fired or demoted from a beat he has obviously betrayed.

David Arnett
About the author: David Arnett has published Tulsa Today since 1996 – the oldest independent local online news service in the world.
A former daily newspaper reporter, radio talk show host and public information manager for the completed Vision 2025 Tulsa County infrastructure program, Arnett won two national awards as a First Amendment Advocate and currently provides communications and campaign consulting for select clients.