Attorney General Scott Pruitt on Thursday announced insurance fraud charges against Adam Lee McHolland of Oklahoma City.
McHolland, 36, allegedly filed a false insurance claim stating his motorcycle had been stolen. After submitting a proof of loss statement to his insurance provider, McHolland received a settlement check for $12,389.75.
An anonymous tip led agents with the National Insurance Crime Bureau and Bethany Police Department to McHolland’s stolen motorcycle at a Bethany residence. The owner of the residence told investigators McHolland had asked permission to store the motorcycle in his garage until repairs could be made. The resident stated he was not aware McHolland had reported the motorcycle stolen.

Oklahoma Attorney General Scott Pruitt
McHolland is charged with one felony count of false claim for insurance. If convicted, McHolland faces up to three years in prison and a fine of up to $1,000.
The Workers’ Compensation, Social Security and Insurance Fraud Unit investigates and prosecutes fraud on the part of claimants, doctors, attorneys and insurance companies. The unit also provides education and training about workers’ compensation fraud. To report workers’ compensation, social security or insurance fraud contact the Attorney General’s Office at (405) 521-3921 or visit the AG’s website at