Attack on Moms Lacks Credibility

Editorial Analysis: The Tulsa World attack today on Moms for Liberty is so obviously ideologically leftist that they quote as credible a leftist propaganda organization, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and note the damning sin of the group “pushing for involvement from parents, voters” in education elections. How dare Moms for Liberty engage in democracy! Five different Moms for Liberty chapters participated.

World Reporter Melissa Jacques writes, “The Tulsa chapter [of Moms for Liberty] has not made national headlines but is labeled as an anti-government group by the Southern Poverty Law Center. Moms for Liberty is one of the three organizations in Oklahoma to appear on the SPLC Hate Map.”

In January 2020, “Making Hate Pay: The Corruption of the Southern Poverty Law Center,” by Tyler O’Neil, Senior Editor of PJ Media and conservative commentator was published. Real journalists should be familiar with the work. The description of SPLC begins, “Racial discrimination. Sexual harassment. Off-shore accounts. Inflated and biased attacks on ‘hate.’ These are some of the many reasons Americans should mistrust the Southern Poverty Law Center.

“The Southern Poverty Law Center started with noble intentions and has done much good over the years, but a pernicious corruption has undermined the organization’s original mission and contributed to a climate of fear and hostility in America. Hotels, web platforms, and credit card companies have blacklisted law-abiding Americans because the SPLC disagrees with their political views. The SPLC’s false accusations have done concrete harm, costing the organization millions in lawsuits. A deranged man even attempted to commit mass murder, having been inspired by the SPLC’s rhetoric.”

The book intro continues asking, “How did a civil rights group dedicated to saving the innocent from the death penalty become a pernicious threat to America’s free speech culture? How did an organization dedicated to fighting poverty wind up with millions in the Cayman Islands? How did a civil rights stalwart find itself accused of racism and sexism? Making Hate Pay tells the inside story of how the SPLC yielded to many forms of corruption, and what it means for free speech in America today. It also explains why Corporate America, Big Tech, government, and the media are wrong to take the SPLC’s disingenuous tactics at face value, and the serious damage they cause by trusting this corrupt organization.”

Now back to reporter Jacques and the editorial judgements of the Tulsa World. They still maintain that they are nonpartisan, but always come down on the side of teacher unions and the educational establishment. They ridicule, marginalize, and demonize opponents who demand education system accountability and – oh the shame – traditional values. That is why Tulsa’s daily dollop of disinformation is destined to it’s highest purpose… as birdcage flooring.

Jacques begins, “Leaders from Moms for Liberty chapters in Oklahoma met Wednesday at the Capitol to participate in a parents’ rights rally and advocate for moving school board elections.”

Tulsa Today answers that special interests have controlled Oklahoma school board elections by holding them in months the majority of voters don’t participate or even think about elections. Thus when indoctrinated zealot families typically paid by the education establishment turn out to vote in their own self-interest, it significantly weighs the scale. For example, the Tulsa Public School District is the third largest employer in the city according to officials.

Question: How many times has Oklahoma increased education funding on the promise of reform that never occurred?

Jacques then writes, “…Moms for Liberty members were among those who were armed with an informational flier to talk with legislators about Senate Bill 244.”

Wow, it sounds so very violent to go to the State Capitol with facts and politely talk with elected officials on topic.

After quoting Moms for Liberty advocates on the need to have more participation in education elections, Jacques writes, “The move could save about $16 million a year in election costs, one lawmaker said, but it might necessitate an extra poll worker in each precinct at a cost of about $230,000 per election.” Notice the words “might necessitate” which is pure speculation unsupported by fact and disputable on its face.

Jacques writes further, “The policies [COVID lockdowns now shown to have inflicted great harm on school age children] that compelled the group to form are no longer in effect. Now the members focus on regulating the library books to which children have access and trying to remove social-emotional learning from school curricula. They also focus on endorsing and supporting school board candidates who agree with their policy goals.”

Jacques then returns to the SPLC quoting “research analyst” Maya Henson Carey, “And they (Moms for Liberty) really push out conspiracy theories about the tyrannical federal government.”

So forcing Americans to buy electric cars, killing the Oil and Gas industry, opening wide the nation’s borders, and a blizzard of new regulations strangling the economy is fine according to the Tulsa World. All praise the Socialist wing of the National Democratic Party no sane voter could support.

“Their [Moms for Liberty] overarching theme (is) that public schools and public educators are attempting to influence and sexualize children through a radical Marxist agenda,” said Henson Carey of the Marxist SPLC.

For more details on SPLC activity, the following links are provided.

Did Southern Poverty Law Center and James Madison Museum Team Up to Put “Anti-racist” Curriculum in Virginia Schools? March 2023

Rabbis Condemn Southern Poverty Law Center, Call on Amazon Smile to Drop It September 2020

  • Defamation is nothing new to the organization.
  • Its inclusion in the Amazon Smile program arms the organization with funds to continue its defamatory endeavors.

Southern Poverty Law Center’s Despicable Attack on Parental Rights Is a Sign of Leftist Panic June 2023

  • The SPLC turned its screws on a slew of parental rights groups that have emerged to keep racialization and sexualization from infesting our schools.
  • Conservatives, in Congress and in public interest law firms, should start looking for communications between the SPLC and the Biden administration.
  • The SPLC is picking on mothers. But trust me. It has picked on the wrong people.

What Went Wrong with the Southern Poverty Law Center? August 2023

One final note: The Tulsa World promised today, “Coming Sunday, Monday – Readers can take a deep dive into the efforts of Moms for Liberty in the Tulsa area and across Oklahoma as they fight to establish “boundaries” for specific controversial books and push for legislation based on the group’s priorities.”

Tulsa Today will review that effort as it is presented and here provide… the rest of the story.

Editor’s note: Tulsa Today (est. 1996 online) is of the right. We believe in God and Country, the Declaration of Independence (why we are a nation), U.S. Constitution (how government should work), equal application of law (how courts should work), and individual liberty (how all should respect others). Sadly, the myth of journalism as unbiased has not yet been universally corrected in legacy media by hiring writers left and right then allowing robust interchange from both sides. For our part, we invite those who may disagree to comment below or to write for publication to

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