Tag Archives: Education Oklahoma

National Summit on Education

Oklahoma State Senator Adam Pugh, R-Edmond, chair of the Senate Education Committee, welcomed Arkansas Gov. Sarah Huckabee Sanders today at the National Summit on Education, hosted by ExcelinEd in Oklahoma City. 

The event, running from Nov. 13 to 15, brought together policymakers, educators and thought leaders to discuss transformative strategies for improving education nationwide.

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Sup. Walters Forms Trump Edu. Advisory

State Superintendent Ryan Walters today announced the formation of an education advisory committee within the State Department of Education (SDE) to oversee federal public education policy changes that are anticipated under the incoming Trump Administration.

State Superintendent Ryan Walters, speaking with constituents
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Bishop Kelley Named: AP Gold Honor

Bishop Kelley High School was recently named to the 2024 Gold Advanced Placement Honor Roll by the College Board the administration reported in a release today.

The AP Honor Roll program works to acknowledge schools around the United States  that help students achieve excellence while maintaining broad access to challenging curriculum.  

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One-Stop for Teacher Recruitment

State Superintendent Ryan Walters announced the rollout of a new, comprehensive teacher recruitment tool, Teach-OK.com, today. Teach-OK.com is a comprehensive online resource designed to guide future and current educators through the certification process, connect them with teaching opportunities, and provide valuable financial and professional development resources in Oklahoma. Teach-OK.com supports Oklahoma’s teacher recruitment and retention efforts by providing a user-friendly platform that helps educators efficiently navigate their career paths Sup. Walters noted in a media release.

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TPS Collaborative Problem Solving First

[Updated] The Tulsa Public School District’s (TPS) functional failures and controversy has evoked paranoia, hysteria, propaganda, and scurrilous behavior from educational establishment minions, but now, after two and a half years of observation, your editor is overjoyed to report collaborative problem solving has occurred.

The Problem: Oklahoma accreditation standards require one half-time library assistant in schools with more than 500 students and one full-time library assistant in schools with more than 1,000 students. TPS does not have the staff to comply. It needs a waiver from the State Board of Education.

Further, as of that September 16, 2024, school board meeting, the position “library assistant” had not even been posted! School librarians and the Tulsa Classroom Teachers’ Association are more than annoyed.

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