Category Archives: Science

OU Health & Epic Offer Student Telehealth

Epic Charter Schools and OU Health are collaborating to provide expert medical care to Epic’s more than 30,000 students through a telehealth program beginning this fall that will provide school-based, virtual medical care, regardless of their insurance status, the organizations announced today.

OU Health and Epic Charter Schools will offer the service to all Epic students for sick visits, chronic disease management and some behavioral health conditions. Each school is equipped with telehealth software and associated diagnostic devices that will allow them to perform comprehensive virtual health examinations in school.

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Beware: MPox Disaster Cronyism

I am constantly amazed at how recent headlines validate the core ideas and observations about psychological warfare that Jill and I have chronicled over the last two years.

Now, everyone seems to be talking about censorship, propaganda, fifth-generation warfare, and media manipulation. But they still do not seem to be quite ready to acknowledge the systematic, methodical weaponization of fear of death consequent to various infectious diseases.

This promoted fear repeatedly follows a standard, predictable process and script.

We are being bombarded with fear messaging, propaganda, and, in particular, subjected to a strategy that I have termed “Psychological Bioterrorism.”

Monkeypox microscopic and exhibited
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The Opening Olympic Ceremony 2024

This morning, I saw clips from the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games. The imagery was, let’s say, astonishing. It presented, among other things, a grotesque parody of Da Vinci’s Last Supper. In the place of Christ sat a stout woman with half-exposed breasts; one of the apostles was a homosexual man with testicles hanging out of a tight latex outfit; the rest of the apostles were replaced by transgender individuals and other figures who have surgically or otherwise rejected the task of being a man or a woman. Among this group, there was also a young girl – a sign of childlike innocence and purity.

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Lankford’s Dropped Ball Enabled Trump Shooter

Updated: The headline certainly sounds like a wild accusation or a conspiracy theory. It’s neither. The Tulsa area has more space related technological expertise than most of us imagine. Tulsa, in union with Indian nations, also has a wealth of federal contracting capabilities greater than most areas of the United States outside of Washington, D.C.

Several years ago, a proposal was submitted to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to analyze and, if appropriate, build a satellite earth station and ground entry to unify the various networks of federal civilian and military agencies under authority and connected to DHS.

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New Concrete Tech Stores Renewable Energy

In the labs of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), a team led by Dr. Damian Stefaniuk, has unveiled a groundbreaking innovation that could potentially redefine the worldwide approach to energy storage. In short, what was once perceived as a passive construction material is now on the brink of becoming an integral component in powering homes and infrastructure.

By combining cement with conductive carbon black, the MID researchers created a material riddled with microscopic pathways for electricity. Reported by Sujita Sinha for Interesting Engineering here, scientists of MIT and Harvard, this innovation involves three readily available ingredients – cement, water, and a soot-like substance called carbon black – and transforms them into energy storage devices. 

Photo: MIT
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